Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cycle # 2

Well, we went back to the RE today and after speaking to him, I must admit I feel better. He told us that he was taking a chance and it would have been "luck" had we gotten pregnant. He also told us that they were taking a guess on what two embryos to go with. They were not able to grade them because it was too early to tell. He said given the facts, the hurricanes back to back and all we are lucky to still have some embryos to work with. Most of the patients were told to cancel their cycle. So I am glad we made it to retrieval. That is a huge step over with.

With that being said, he is waiving all fees to do a FET!!! I was thrilled that he is doing this. So many doctors are in business for the wrong reason, and he brought back the sense that there are good people out there still. The only thing that we will have to pay for is the hospital and that is $350. That is a load off of our shoulders. We are going to do a natural cycle. No stims at all. Since they had to freeze all of the embryos on day 2 we are not sure how many are viable. We have 3 vials . The first two and the ones that looked good on day 2. There are 10 of those. The last vial contains the last 4 that were not looking promising , but due to Louisiana state laws they had to keep them until they could monitor them for at least 24 hours and make sure they were bad. So the doctor said we have 10 embryos to watch. What they are going to do is when it is almost time to do the transfer they are going to thaw vial one. Pray that at least 2 get to blastocyst stage. They will then transfer those. If they do not get to blastocyct stage then we will have to wait until the following month and try one more time on vial 2. He said vial one should do it, but in this business you never know. So, if that doesn't work we are back to square one.

I go back to the RE on Friday Sept. 29th for blood work and u/s to see where we are at in our cycle. He said we should be able to put two more embryos in within the next 14 days (or close to it). Keep your fingers crossed.

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