Friday, February 20, 2009

Here we go again....

We just met with Dr. Taylor and we are going to be starting our second cycle. We are going to have to pay for half of this cycle. We are ready to get the ball rolling. I am starting by birth control pills on Sunday. When we get back from our cruise I have to go back in for my complete blood work. We should be starting the Lupron in the next couple of weeks and our projected start date for stims is March 20th (Clay's birthday). We are looking at retrieval and transfer the first week in April. If things go according to plan we will be welcoming a December baby. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Not a good day

We just found out that none of our remaining embryos made it blasts so we not going to be able to do our frozen embryo transfer (FET). We are going to have to start over from the beginning. I am really disappointed and so is Clay. The only positive out of this is that the next cycle will be before hurricane season and we will have a "normal" cycle. Dr. Taylor said due to Hurricane Gustav we had just terrible luck. So we have an appt on February 20th to discuss our next plan of action.