Sunday, August 31, 2008

Embryos we transfered

Baby Kruse 1
Baby Kruse 2

We are now 37 hours past the transfer. We have our beta scheduled for Thursday September 11 th. I plan on taking a home pregnancy test on the Saturday before. Keep your fingers crossed.

Friday, August 29, 2008

16 Fertilized

Well, yesterday was my egg retrieval. They got a total of 21 eggs. I just got a phone call from Lisa and out of 21 eggs 16 fertilized. Due to Hurricane Gustav, we are having to due my transfer tomorrow (which is a day 2 transfer). I am a little nervous, but very EXCITED!!! I have to be at the hospital tomorrow morning for 6:30. Pray for a happy transfer and a BIG FAT POSITIVE pregnancy test to follow behind . =)

After the transfer I will be on bedrest so that they will implant.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Egg Retrieval

Well, we went in this morning for my egg retrieval and everything went great! While I was in recovery, the doctor gave Clay a preliminary egg count...... he stopped counting at 18. I am anxiously awaiting the phone call tomorrow to tell me how many eggs fertilized. The nurse gave me my first PIO (progesterone in oil) shot and instructed Clay on how to give them to me. I also started the prednisone and the tetracycline. Praying for good numbers tomorrow. =)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 10 of stims

I went in this morning for blood work and an ultrasound. Dr. Taylor said everything looks great (my follies are over 16 mm now) and told me to lower my Menopur to 1 vial (75 IU) and to keep my Lupron the same. I am to discontinue the Follistim. Yeah!! We are down to 2 shots a day!!! He told me I will be triggering with Ovadrel tomorrow night. My egg retrieval will be on Thursday August 28,2008. I have another appointment tomorrow morning.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day 8 f stims

I went in this morning for another ultrasound and blood work. Good news....I have several follies that are over 14.5 mm already. The ultrasound tech said a lot has been going on in there since Thursday. She also told me that there are more than enough to work with. YEAH! =) I thought that was wonderful news to hear. They instructed me to keep my Lupron the same, lower my Follistim to 75 IU and to keep the Menopur the same at 2 vials. I have another appointment Monday at 10:30. Hopefully we will be ready for retrieval soon. It is so close I can feel it. Keep praying for healthy embryos.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 6 on Stims

Clay and I went in this morning for another ultrasound and blood work. We actually got to see how much the follies are growing. The biggest ones are over 10 now. There must be over 20 of them. I was instructed to keep my Lupron at 10 units, lower the Follistim to 100 IU and continue on the 2 vials of Menopur. I have another appointment Saturday at the Metairie office. Lisa (our IVF nurse) gave me all of the paper work for pre-op and I had to go to Tulane Lakeside to pre-admit since they do not allow you to do that on the weekends. Lisa also gave me my instructions on who to take my medication following egg retrieval. We are definitely getting close. My head is spinning from all of the information that I have in it. =)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 4 of Stims

Well this morning I went in for my ultrasound and blood work to see how things are going on the stims. Everything looks awesome. Lisa said we have a couple of follies that are 8mm and several 5mm, 6mm and 7 mm. They want me to keep my injections the same and I have another appointment on Thursday at 10:30. It is looking like my egg retrieval will be on Tuesday August 26th. Now the only concern is what is Tropical Storm Faye going to do. Pray everything goes great.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

First day of stims

Well, we just did my first day of stims. I must admit, I was shaking like a leaf. I got up this morning and did the Lupron. Then this evening around 5:30 I laid everything out and got to mixing. I forgot to put the Q Cap on and I was getting frustrated because it wasn't working and then all of a sudden a light bulb went off and I remembered. It worked like a charm. We decided to do the Menopur first. BOY...did that one burn!!! We did the two vials of that one and then we did the 150 IU of Follistim. That one was not that bad. It is very sore where we did those injections. I just checked on them and I already have a little bruise there. It looks like we may need to pick a different spot for tomorrow. So, one day down and a little over a week to go. Keep praying for us. =)

Friday, August 15, 2008

We start the stims tomorrow

I went to the doctor's office today. They did my blood work and another ultrasound. They told me everything looked good. I waited for Lisa to give me instructions on how to do the stims. She gave me a calender with what doses I need to be taking for the next 3 days. I am to lower my Lupron to 10 units tomorrow morning. I am also going to be on 150 IU of Follistin and 2 vials of Menopur between 4-6 p.m everyday. She told me the Menopur may burn a little. So now we are at 3 shots a day!!! I go back to the doctor on Tuesday at 9:30 for my blood work and ultrasound to see how the stims are working. We are on our way!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Moving right along

We got up this morning and Clay gave me my 3rd Lupron injection. This one did burn a little. I think partly because Clay forgot to tell me to let my hold loose. It didn't last long, it just stung a little. It is so hard to believe that this is real sometimes and that we are actually doing it. I am proud of myself for getting this far especially since I have needle phobia. It is on my mind all of the time.

The only complaint I have is the headaches. I am not sure what they are from. They could be because I have cut the caffeine almost completely out. I am so used to having that in my life.

4 more days and we should start the stims.... I am so excited and nervous at the same time.

Keep Praying.

Friday, August 8, 2008

We started Lupron

We went in today for our appointment. I did an ultrasound and everything checked out. Good sign. We then met with Lisa and she instructed Clay and I on how to give the Lupron injection. It went well. I am to take 20 units all this week. I expected it to hurt and I didn't even feel it. I have one more birth control pill to take and we are done with that. I have another appointment on August 15th to start the Menopur and Follistim. At that visit I have bloodwork also.

While we were there we also signed the consent forms. Dr. Taylor said we are moving right along. :o)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

One More Day

Well tomorrow is the BIG day. We have a 9:00 appointment. I have an ultrasound and Lisa told me to bring in my Lupron so we can learn how to give the injections. I will not be able to leave the office until I give it to myself. We also have to fill out some papers and put down a payment. Keep me in your prayers.