Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 6 on Stims

Clay and I went in this morning for another ultrasound and blood work. We actually got to see how much the follies are growing. The biggest ones are over 10 now. There must be over 20 of them. I was instructed to keep my Lupron at 10 units, lower the Follistim to 100 IU and continue on the 2 vials of Menopur. I have another appointment Saturday at the Metairie office. Lisa (our IVF nurse) gave me all of the paper work for pre-op and I had to go to Tulane Lakeside to pre-admit since they do not allow you to do that on the weekends. Lisa also gave me my instructions on who to take my medication following egg retrieval. We are definitely getting close. My head is spinning from all of the information that I have in it. =)

1 comment:

Hayden Family Struggle said...

Sounds like you will have a lot of eggs, Thats great! I will be thinking of you and sending you good wishes!