Monday, November 3, 2008

We saw the heart beating

It was so amazing. The little heart is beating 104 beats per minute. The baby is measuring 3mm right now and it will grow 1mm a day for the next week. By Monday it will be 10mm or one centimeter. Talk about a fast grower.

My estrogen levels were 693 and my progesterone was 3,625. I am still on the patch and the two prometrium a day. We go back to the RE next Monday for another ultrasound and it should look more like a baby next week. We are very close to being released to the OBGYN. That is so exciting.

1 comment:

twondra said...

I found your blog through Michelle's. I wanted to say congrats!! I recently went through a failed IVF so you give me hope. Thank you for that! Hope your pregnancy goes smooth!!