Monday, October 27, 2008

One Pefect Little Bean

It is Official, we have one perfect baby growing inside. We are now measuring 15mm (last week was 5mm) so we are growing fast. We did not see the heartbeat yet, but will will definitely see it next Monday. Our due date has been moved up. We are expecting Baby Kruse June 18,2009. It looks like I am going to get an awesome birthday present. I am still taking 2 prometrium a day and my estrogen patch has been lowered to one . Dr. Taylor said everything looks great. Our next appointment is Monday November 3rd at 8:30.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our Pregnancy Countdown

How`s my pregnancy doing?

** to read what is happening week by week in my pregnancy click on the puzzle above**

6 week fetus Pictures, Images and Photos

picure caption trimester

Mommy Graphics

Monday, October 20, 2008

2nd Beta Results

*** the black circle is the baby***

We just got home from the RE. My 2nd beta was over 5,000. It was 164.3 last week and it is supposed to double every other day. We are still not sure if it is one or two. The RE has told us not to rule out twins yet. We will hopefully know for sure next week and we may be able to see the heartbeat. I am still having to take the estrogen patches and the prometrium as well. The one baby that we know we have for sure is measuring 5mm right now. Peanut Kruse's heart is already beating and already started growing limbs. It is about the size of a lentil bean. Our next appt. is on Monday Ocotber 27th.

RockYou FXText

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's 100% Official

im pregnant Pictures, Images and Photos

We went to the RE today for our beta results. The wait is terrible, it feels like days when in reality it is only an hour. We are now 12dp3dt and the RE wanted to see my HCG around 50 and mine was 164.3. He said that is some good, strong numbers. We are not sure if there is one or two in the oven yet. We have another appointment next Monday for another beta check and an ultasound. He said we may see something we may not, if you don't not to freak out because it may still be too early. I am still on the estrogen patches and the prometrium. We are still in complete shock and ecstatic. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us. Here is to a Happy and Healthy 9 Months!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Our two embryos

The ones we implanted were the one in the center and the one on the right. The one in the corner was not strong so we did not implant that one. Now, we just have to wait and see which ones took.

It looks like we are pregnant

Well, we took a HPT and as you can see we are pregnant. We are waiting to hear from the RE so we can go in for our beta.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Transfer tomorrow morning

Well, Lisa just called me to let me know that 3 out of the 5 embryos made it thru the thawing process. Dr. Taylor wants to do my transfer tomorrow morning. I need to be at Tulane Lakeside for 7:30 and my transfer is at 8:30. We are not sure whether to put back two or just put back all 3. If they can't refreeze embryo #3 we are going to transfer that one as well. I started my medrol and my tetracycline today and also my baby aspirin. Clay and I went and bought two pineapples from Fresh Market today because there is something in the pineapple that helps the embryos stick to the uterus. I am going to eat some every day until the pregnancy test. I am nervous, but have done this before and it only takes about 5-10 minutes. Wish us luck and say some prayers for a positive pregnancy test.