Monday, July 14, 2008

A little about us

Well, where do I start? I am happily married and the proud mother of two. (they are from my first marriage.) I met Clay when Blake was 1 1/2 and Kayla was 4. In January of 2002 we got married and he not only took me , but my two kids as well. He is their dad (maybe not by blood), but their daddy. After I had Blake I had a tubal ligation. I had always been honest with Clay and told him about it and if he wanted kids of his own, I may not be able to give him that. He was perfectly ok with that. I honestly never thought I would want any more. I had my girl and my boy and I was complete.

Which brings me to where we are today. We have decided that we want a baby together. He has always been there for my two , why can't I do this for him? We finally made an appointment at the New Orleans Fertility Institute to see if the tubal can be reversed. The doctor informed us that my tubal was not reversable. I was upset about it until he told me we have another option, Invitro Fertilization (IVF). So we listened to what he had to say and before we left his office we both said at the same time, "Let's do it!"

So now that we have started our baby journey, we thought we would blog it and keep track of our journey. Who knows, this may help some other family one day. So here goes.....

1 comment:

Liz said...

I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to comments on this thing. Sorry...

so I'm excited for your journey. THats what I was trying to type.

I'll be praying for you guys!