Friday, August 28, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

24 week appt

We went in for our 24 week appointment this afternoon. We had a two hour wait today. I finally got back there and I have only gained a pound. YIPPEE!!! I have to start my shots on September 1st once weekly and start my z-pack then as well. I am not looking forward to the shots. We are measuring right on target and go back in 4 weeks when I will do the glucose test. One more monthly appt and then biweekly. Bryce did not want to co-operate for the nurse today...LOL. We finally got his heartbeat and it was 158bpm. He is stubborn!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

20 week anatomy ultrasound

Bryce weighs 13 ounces and was more than proud to show us his BOY parts today. They have moved our due date up to December 18th. We go back to the OBGYN on August 26th. His nursery is just about done. The changing table should be in tomorrow and we are about to start registering. Thanks for all your prayers. We appreciate them.
